Rebel Insights

A Look at RebelMouse’s Media Powerhouses

A Look at RebelMouse’s Media Powerhouses

Trusted by the biggest names in publishing.

The publishing climate changes every day of the week. This is why the best and the brightest brands and new media companies make the switch to RebelMouse. We're a centralized, cloud-based, enterprise-grade platform that works ahead of the social giants — often granting our clients immunity against paralyzing algorithm updates or industry swings.

Our clients know that storytelling and content creation is crucial to success, and they rely on our deep technology, expertise, and modernized approach to not only improve distribution, but also site security and page speed — the latter of which has them outperforming other leading sites . Here's a look at just some of the major names that are powered by RebelMouse.

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The Most Secure CMS of 2023

Why RebelMouse Is the Most Secure CMS on the Web

Delivering a secure, high-performing environment with extreme reliability is essential to all of our clients at RebelMouse. We only use industry-leading, reliable approaches to host our infrastructure. This ensures maximum stability and security for all of our clients’ data. Here are just some of the reasons we’re able to maintain a hard-bodied product that’s flexible, too.

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Rebel Insights

Meet the RebelMouse Platform: The Highest Performing CMS on the Web

Make sure your site is set up for success in 2022.

In the spring of 2020, Google let the world know that its Core Web Vitals would become the new benchmark for measuring a site's performance in its search results, known as the page experience update . Fast forward to more than a year later in August 2021 when, after much anticipation, Google's page experience update became official .

Since its rollout, developers have felt the impact of how their publishing platforms stack up against the new standard. Important decisions around the architecture of your site can now make or break your site's performance in the eyes of Google.

HTTP Archive, a tracking platform that crawls the web to identify trends and record historical patterns, frequently reports on how top content management systems (CMS) have weathered the page experience update through the creation of its Core Web Vitals Technology Report . RebelMouse has consistently outperformed major CMS platforms on Google's most critical metrics throughout the year:

Getting superior scores on Google's performance benchmarks isn't easy, either. The Ahrefs blog analyzed Core Web Vitals data from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), which is data from actual Chrome users, to see how the web stacks up against Core Web Vitals. Their study found that only 33% of sites on the web are passing Core Web Vitals .

data from Ahrefs tracked on a line chart finds that shows only 33% of sites on the web pass Google's Core Web Vitals From Ahrefs.

Luckily, performing well on Core Web Vitals is possible with thoughtful, strategic changes to your site’s codebase. Here's what you need to know and how we can help.

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