Old Case Studies

Azula Sees 398% Facebook Growth in Switch to RebelMouse

Azula Sees 398% Facebook Growth in Switch to RebelMouse

At the end of August 2017, Azula switched to RebelMouse, leaving WordPress in their rear-view mirror. Since then, traffic to their site from Facebook has risen 398%.

Wait, what? How can that be? Aren't publishers supposed to be seeing decreases in traffic from the big blue social media machine? Well, in short, a lot of them are. But it's not because Facebook decided to hurt them or tweak publishers into giving them more money. It's because publishers haven't been able to adapt to platform changes fast enough to avoid the natural traffic penalty of falling behind the times.

We started working with Azula at the end of June 2017 to help them modernize their website, control their tech spend, and — most importantly — grow their traffic. Coming from a WordPress-based site, they saw (and felt) the limitations that are at the core of a decentralized WCMS. They lacked support for Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP and had to pay for third-party hosting and developer fees. That meant spending a lot of time (and money) managing tech and less time capitalizing on great content.

Azula launched with our Social UX for Media , and the results were staggering and instant. In the month since launch day, Azula has seen across-the-board growth:

  • +288% increase in page views
  • +132% increase in users
  • +173% increase in sessions
  • +398% increase in Facebook traffic

Their growth isn't slowing, either. As Azula's staff learns to leverage our advanced workflow solutions like the RebelMouse Particle Accelerator , they're sure to fully utilize the faster, more agile path to growth that is now in front of them.

At RebelMouse, we live and breathe change. Our platform is built and innovated in real time. As a centralized web CMS , all sites on our system benefit from the incremental upgrades that we release along the way. New social platform changes happen all the time, and you can rest assured that our expert team is reacting to those changes so you don't have to.

Are you ready to kick your WCMS to the curb and start really growing? Request a proposal , and we'll show you how to turn the volume up to 11.

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Our platform is a complete digital publishing toolbox that's built for modern-day content creators, and includes game-changing features such as our:

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Unprecedented Scale

RebelMouse sites reach more than 120M people a month, with an always-modern solution that combines cutting-edge technology with decades of media savvy. And due to our massive scale, 1 in 3 Americans have visited a website powered by RebelMouse.

120M+ Users
550M+ Pageviews
17+ Avg. Minutes per User
6+ Avg. Pages per User

Today's Top Websites Use RebelMouse

Thanks to the tremendous scale of our network, we are able to analyze a wealth of traffic data that informs our strategies and allows us to be a true strategic partner instead of just a vendor.

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We’re here to help you weigh and understand every tech and strategic decision that affects your digital presence. Spend less time managing everything yourself, and more time focused on creating the quality content your users deserve.

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A Team Built Like No Other

RebelMouse employs a unique, diverse, and decentralized team that consists of 70+ digital traffic experts across more than 25 different countries. We have no central office, and we cover every time zone to ensure that we’re able to deliver amazing results and enterprise-grade support around the clock.

Our team is well-versed in all things product, content, traffic, and revenue, and we strategically deploy ourselves to help with each element across all of our clients. We thrive on solving the complex.

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