We've made it easier to add alt tags to images!
Every image on RebelMouse lets you enter an alt text , which serves as replacement text that describes what should be seen whenever an image fails to load. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, alt text allows for people with visual impairments to know what the image is without needing to see it. Alt text also provides image context for search engine crawlers to help improve SEO. Using alt text appropriately can help to win in image search, as the search engines will know more detail about the image. For example, imagine an image of John Lennon. With no alt text, an engine won't know what it is. With an alt text such as "Man with glasses" you likely won't win an image search for John Lennon. With the alt text "John Lennon posing outside Wimbledon" you've got a much better chance.
With this update, it's now even easier to populate an image's alt text information within Entry Editor.
We've simplified the alt text workflow by exposing the field above the caption and credit fields that are already shown below an image. Previously, you had to click on the image's edit button to access the field. Here's what the new process looks like:
If you have any questions about this new feature, please email support@rebelmouse.com.