Welcome to the RebelMouse Developer Portal
Welcome developers! We've designed RebelMouse to serve as a seamless publishing solution that’s intuitive for you and your team to use. This content hub is where you can find the latest documentation on how to make the most of your experience on our CMS.
Layout & Design Tool Documentation
When it comes to styling your site, the RebelMouse Layout & Design tool provides unlimited flexibility. Either use the RebelMouse template as-is and simply update it with your logos, fonts, and color palettes, or completely customize it to your liking with advanced HTML/CSS tools and flexible JavaScript control.
Quarterly Platform Updates Posts
At RebelMouse, we pour our souls into making sure that our platform is always the most modern, high-performance CMS on the market. This has resulted in updates and performance enhancements that publishers would have to pay for on their own to make happen on any other platform. We're proud to be at a level of scale where we can invest this way into our platform, and we will continue to invest at this rate every quarter moving forward just as we have in the past. Here’s our archive of quarterly updates.
Change Logs
We make our release notes available so that you can keep track of every update, no matter how big or small. Click the link below to view our official, public log of every single update to the RebelMouse platform.
DiscoverInfrastructure and Security
To ensure every site powered by RebelMouse is high performing, secure, and optimized for user experience, we only use the best and most reliable methods to host our infrastructure. Here's a detailed look at some of the services and security measures we use every day to secure maximum stability and security for each of our sites.